Cabrinha Team Dominates the 2023 Spring WingDing Regatta
Wing foil racing is becoming increasingly popular, and San Francisco is emerging as a hub for the sport. This past weekend, from April 14-16, St. Francis Yacht Club hosted the Spring Wingding & Wingfoil Pacific Coast Championships, a world-class foil regatta that attracted more than 60 wing racers. The Cabrinha Team was well-represented at the event and managed to dominate the top positions.

Joey Pasquali, Henry Vare, and Jacob Rosenberg were among the Cabrinha riders in attendance, and they put on an impressive performance over the three-day event, which included course slalom, distance racing, and freestyle competition.
"We had perfect conditions for the event with 15 to 25knots and the current were a bit wild as we had so much rain this year. I rode the 5m and 6m mantis v3 and the Code 60L. It was key to hold onto the biggest wing possible wind so that you could have plenty of power for the downwind!
Despite stiff competition, the Cabrinha riders held their own and earned some notable results. Joey Pasquali took 1st place in the overall masters category and 2nd place in the overall men's category, while Henry Vare finished 2nd in the U19 category and 6th in the overall men's category.
Joey in front of the iconic Golden gate bridge
Congratulations to the Cabrinha Team and the event organizers for a successful weekend. Fans of the sport can keep an eye out for Joey and Henry as they compete in San Juan, PR, this coming weekend.